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关键词:  科技馆  科幻教育  课程设计 Design Concept and Practice of Science Fiction Education Courses in Science and Technology Museums: A Case Study of the Science Fiction Course in Science Museums Activity in the China Science and Technology Museum Zhang Ran Ye Feifei Zhang Lu
基金项目:中国科技馆科研项目“融入‘科幻’的科技馆科学教育课程内容研究与资源包开发”,编号:KYXM-B-2021-07。 ② ZK
Design Concept and Practice of Science Fiction Education Courses in Science and Technology Museums: A Case Study of the Science Fiction Course in Science Museums Activity in the China Science and Technology Museum
Zhang Ran,Ye Feifei,Zhang Lu
The educational activities and science courses of science and technology museums not only popularize scientific knowledge, but also focus on cultivating the curiosity and imagination of teenagers. Science fiction, which combines science and fantasy, is the best entry point to achieve this educational goal. Taking the practice of science fiction education courses in the China Science and Technology Museum as an example, this article explores how to integrate “science fiction” into science education with exhibitions and exhibits as the core, and proposes the design concept of science fiction education courses in science and technology museums, aiming to enable science and technology museums to play a more effective role in science education and help improve the scientific literacy of the general population.
Key words:  science and technology museum, science fiction education, course design

