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关键词:  科技馆  科技创新后备人才  课程体系 Construction of Training Curriculum System for Technological Innovation Reserve Talents Based on Science and Technology Museums Wang Jingying Gan Shencheng Zhou Danhua Li Siqi
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“学习环境对中学生全球素养的影响机制与循证决策研究:基于机器学习的关联规则挖掘”,编号:72074031; 中国科技馆科研项目“中国科学技术馆科学教育发展战略研究与实践开发”,编号:WKZB2111BJA300573。 ② 王晶莹:北京师范大学科学教育研究院教授,博士生导师;研究方向:科学与技术教育测评;通讯地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号;邮编:100875;Email:wangjingying8018@126.com; 干沈成:北京师范大学教育学部硕士研究生;研究方向:科学教育;Email:shencheng_gan@163.com; 周丹华:北京师范大学教育学部博士研究生;研究方向:科学教育;Email:tjuzhoudh@163.com; 李思琦:本文
Construction of Training Curriculum System for Technological Innovation Reserve Talents Based on Science and Technology Museums
Wang Jingying,Gan Shencheng,Zhou Danhua,Li Siqi
As high-quality science education practice platforms, science and technology museums bear the mission of nurturing scientific and technological innovation reserve talents. And it is imperative to develop a curriculum system for educating people in science and technology museums. The teaching curriculum based on science and technology museums presents three characteristics:problem solving based on real situations, hands-on practice based on scientific inquiry, and interactive innovation based on direct experience. It provides a suitable educational concept, powerful teaching support, and a teaching environment that emphasizes experience for the cultivation of reserve talents in science and technology innovation. This study builds a model of the curriculum system of science and technology museums for cultivating reserve talents in science and technology innovation. Moreover, it explores three progressive paths for talent cultivation:integration of interactive exhibits courses, creation of project-based activity courses, and development of scientific research and technology competitions, with a view to providing reference for science and technology museums in selecting and cultivating talents.
Key words:  science and technology museum, science and technological innovation reserve talents, curriculum system

