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关键词:  科技馆  重大科技事件  科学家精神  展览策划Notes on the Creation of the Exhibition on Anniversaries of Major Scientific and Technological Events:Taking the Exhibition The Spirit of Scientists:The 50th Anniversary of the Successful Launch of Dongfanghong-I Satellite as an Example Hou Lin Wang Lin Jin He
Notes on the Creation of the Exhibition on Anniversaries of Major Scientific and Technological Events:Taking the Exhibition The Spirit of Scientists:The 50th Anniversary of the Successful Launch of Dongfanghong-I Satellite as an Example
Hou Lin,Wang Lin,Jin He
The successful launch of the Dongfanghong-I satellite has opened the prelude to China's exploration of the mysteries of the universe and peaceful use of space. China's space industry has grown from scratch, from small to large, and has embarked on a development path with distinctive Chinese characteristics. It has nurtured and accumulated profound and broad traditional spirit of aerospace, the spirit of Two Bombs and One Satellite and the spirit of manned aerospace. At the present, the major scientific and technological events and scientific anniversaries are increasingly attracting social attention, this paper takes the exhibition The Spirit of Scientists:The 50th Anniversary of the Successful Launch of Dongfanghong-I Satellite as an example to discuss the exhibition planning mechanism, exhibition planning and exhibition layout creation of the theme exhibition on promoting the spirit of scientists in science and technology museums.
Key words:  science and technology museum, the major scientific and technological event, the spirit of scientists, exhibition planning

