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关键词:  科技馆  展览设计  科学家精神Planning and Practice of the Theme Exhibition of Promoting the Spirit of Scientists:Taking the Theme Exhibition The Pure Heart of Patriotic Scientists:The Scientists of the Same Age as the Communist Party of China as an Example Zhang Leiwei Zhang Caixia
Planning and Practice of the Theme Exhibition of Promoting the Spirit of Scientists:Taking the Theme Exhibition The Pure Heart of Patriotic Scientists:The Scientists of the Same Age as the Communist Party of China as an Example
Zhang Leiwei,Zhang Caixia
In order to review the history of the Communist Party of China in the past 100 years and vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, China Science and Technology Museum has independently planned and developed the theme exhibition The Pure Heart of Patriotic Scientists:The Scientists of the Same Age as the Communist Party of China. The exhibition takes some famous scientists in various fields born in 1921 as the breakthrough point and takes the spirit of scientists as the main line to show their outstanding achievements and exploration process of science, show their touching feelings of patriotism and love for the CPC, which is expected to guide the public, especially the teenagers, to establish a correct view of life and sense of values, and realize the inheritance of the scientific spirit. This paper discusses and summarizes the inspiration of the exhibition planning of scientific figure in science popularization venues from the various aspects of theme exhibition planning.
Key words:  science popularization venue, science and technology museum, exhibition design, the spirit of scientists

