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关键词:  科技博物馆  未来发展  破壁  跨界  升维 The Future of Science and Technology Museums: Breaking Barriers, Crossing Boundaries and Extending Dimension: Side Note on the 7th Salon of “Exploring Science Popularization” Exhibition Innovation of the China Science and Technology Museum Li Ruiting Tang Gang Zhao Xinyuan Wang Chenfei Chen Zhigang Yao Zhengjun
The Future of Science and Technology Museums: Breaking Barriers, Crossing Boundaries and Extending Dimension: Side Note on the 7th Salon of “Exploring Science Popularization” Exhibition Innovation of the China Science and Technology Museum
Li Ruiting,Tang Gang,Zhao Xinyuan,Wang Chenfei,Chen Zhigang,Yao Zhengjun
On September 19th, 2024, the 7th salon of “Exploring Science Popularization” exhibition innovation was successfully held at the China Science and Technology Museum. Themed “The Future of Science and Technology Museums:Breaking Barriers, Crossing Boundaries, and Extending Dimension,” the salon gathered 8 experts from the fields of science education, history of science and technology, museology, and science and technology museums. Focusing on conceptual innovation and the strategy of breaking barriers and crossing boundaries, the event aimed to integrate science education, talent cultivation, spiritual development, and cultural enhancement. The discussion explored the future development of science and technology museums, the path and mechanism for innovative transformation in the science and technology museum sector, comprehensively promoted the construction of a modern science and technology museum system. And the event also supported the goal of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-strength.
Key words:  science and technology museums, future development, breaking barriers, crossing boundaries, dimensional upgrade

